
Hi everyone! Welcome to my website where stories come to life! It is a place where readers can immerse themselves in stories and discover alongside the characters that there is hope in the midst of darkness. Learn more about my site here. 

About Me

Jaimee started writing Doctor Who fan fiction for fun back in 2015 while studying for her degree in Behavioural Psychology. She is currently writing her second novel in the Wall Family Saga where she explores the journey of her ancestors from Russia to Canada. She has written Withstanding the Fiery Furnace and Rising From the Ashes. She writes to bring stories to life and to invite readers to engage in the journey alongside the characters. Read more here.

Upcoming News

“Withstanding the Fiery Furnace” is now available on Amazon both in paperback and e-book. Get your copy here.


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A man’s faith is put to the test when secrets, war, and revolution tear his family apart. Access Withstanding the Fiery Furnace here.

“Once Upon A Story – A Short Story Anthology” is comprised of eighteen stories submitted by authors across the world including my story “Rising From the Ashes”. Whether your preference is Science Fiction or Romance or Drama or Humor or Psychological Thrillers, “Once Upon a Story – A Short Story Anthology” offers something for every taste. Access the here to get your copy.


Imagine some place or something you love; now consider what would happen if your desire to be a part of it drained a little bit each day as people or depression took the joy out of it. Find out here where I talk about mental health.

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