Unexpected Season of Change

Hi everyone! It has been a busy couple of months adjusting to many unexpected changes in my life. Shifts of change at work, friendships, church and many more in my personal life. It has been a whirlwind, but I’m recognizing it’s for the better. A season to grieve changes but also embracing the excitement and adventure of what’s to come and what’s already started. One of these changes I want to share with you. After searching, a door opened and I was able to find books on the life of Russian Mennonites during the early 1920s thanks to the help of the Mennonite Heritage Archives in Manitoba. I’m able to start researching for the sequel to Withstanding the Fiery Furnace. I know it has been three years since I first published my novel, but I needed to go on an in-depth healing journey with God. I needed to be healed from PTSD and trauma first before writing the sequel which centers around PTSD and trauma. I realized I needed to walk my own journey first through healing before I can write about it. I’m excited to write this sequel.

In regards to the short stories, they are coming along great. A friend of mine from Scotland, where we’ve been doing writing sprints together, recommended this book called Story Genius. It has been helping my stories come to life even though it’s a lot of groundwork at the beginning. Once that’s done, the draft of the story should flow well. I also met some Canadian authors this summer when I was at a personal writing retreat in July. I’ll be meeting with them on a writing retreat the first weekend of December where we’ll connect and write our stories together. I’m excited about these writing endeavours and the other changes that have happened in my life. These changes are making me grow and helping me face a lot of fears from my past.

What are some unexpected changes you experienced this year?

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