Writing Projects Update: Short Stories and Sequel Progress

Hi everyone! I can’t believe it is June already. May flew by quickly and it was a busy month. I drove to Virginia to a conference all on my own for the first time. I faced a lot of fears on this trip and it was life changing to say the least. God did a lot of work in my life that weekend and He still is.

If you remember from earlier blog posts, when I was on leave from work due to workplace injuries because of my shoulder, my shoulder hasn’t been the same since. I had to see my massage therapist often because of the amount of pain my shoulders were in. Since that weekend at the conference where I learned about healing and deliverance, God healed me of the shoulder pain I was in and for the first time in two and a half years, there is no pain. I can move my shoulders freely without pain or discomfort. I can still do that now which is amazing.

Current Writing Projects

I returned from a personal writing retreat and a lot was accomplished. Here is where everything stands.

Collection of Short Stories – I completed two out of the four stories. I’m halfway re-writing the first draft of the third short story which is a mystery.

Sequel to Withstanding the Fiery Furnace – I know many of you are wondering when this story is coming out. I’m going to use this summer to do research for the sequel. Surprisingly, there isn’t much historical data of Russia and the Mennonites in the early 1920s. Before my writing block, I did have the barebones of the first draft done. I am hoping to begin re-writing the first draft in September.

Prequel (no title yet) – I finished the first draft. I still have to go back and take the editor’s notes and implement them.

Books I’ve Read

The Write Fast System by J. Danforth – amazing book on how to write your first draft in six weeks or less. I started implementing this for a short story and it is coming along great. She provides great tips and steps on how to write the first draft of your book.

Promises to the Damned by Tyler James – keeps you at the edge of your seat as you follow the lives of Tsuran and Nasna in this world of fantasy. I love the theme of redemption that is woven through the storyline.

What books are you currently reading?

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